set up

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set up

  1. muuttaa, sosiaalistaa, sopeuttaa, valmistaa, valmistella, pohjustaa, panna kuntoon, varustaa, varustautua, valmistautua, varautua, päntätä päähän, ahtaa päähänsä, esikäsitellä.

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pohjustaa To ready something for use.

We set up the sprinkler.

Logically order.

Set up my CD collection.

To cause to happen

Even a minor change can set up new bugs.

To trap or ensnare.

Ive got to set up that tasty rabbit.''

Arrange for an outcome; to tamper or rig.

The election was set up!

To gel or harden.

Give the cement 24 hours to set up before walking on it.

To make (someone) proud or conceited (often in passive).
1992, Hilary Mantel, A Place of Greater Safety, Harper Perennial 2007, pp. 286-7:
M. Robespierre looked at me sideways and smiled and said to Madame, ‘You're a young lady after my own heart.’ This set her up for the day.
To matchmake; to arrange a date between two people.
puhekieltä To create a goalscoring opportunity (for).
puhekieltä To begin business or a scheme of life.

to set up in trade; to set up for oneself

To profess openly; to make pretensions.
Jonathan Swift
Those men who set up for mortality without regard to religion, are generally but virtuous in part.
In a position to function; ready.

Now that Im set up, this will take moments!''


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